Isistimu esebenzayo: Windows
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Isilinganiso sokubukeza:
Ikhasi elisemthethweni: Rhinoceros
I-Wikipedia: Rhinoceros


Rhinoceros – a software for the design 3D kanye kwezokumodela. Isofthiwe isetshenziswa CAD design, izakhiwo, graphic design and umkhumbi noma ukuhlela ezimbonini. Rhinoceros iqukethe izicelo eziningi futhi amathuluzi kukhombisa izinto ubukhulu ezahlukene noma yinkimbinkimbi. Isofthiwe ikuvumela ukuba sisebenze NURBS izinto, ukuqhuba ukuhlaziywa umsebenzi, uhlele futhi ukuguqula amaphrojekthi ngetakhiwo letehlukene. Rhinoceros futhi kwenza ukunweba izici software ngokuxhuma plagins eziningi. Rhinoceros ikuvumela ukuba wabelane idatha wobunjiniyela kanye design softwares ehlukahlukene.

Izici eziyinhloko:

  • Design of the project yinkimbinkimbi okusezingeni
  • Zomculo abaningi futhi imiphumela for Sokuzenzela
  • Usekela takhiwo ehlukahlukene
  • Usekela ulimi siqu zokubhala
  • Connection of the plagins ehlukahlukene



Thwebula Rhinoceros

Chofoza inkinobho eluhlaza ukuze uqale ukulanda
Ukulanda kuqalile, hlola iwindi lakho lokulanda isiphequluli. Uma kunezinkinga ezithile, chofoza inkinobho eyodwa ngaphezulu, sisebenzisa izindlela ezahlukene zokulanda.

Amazwana ku Rhinoceros

Rhinoceros software ehlobene

Isofthiwe evelele